Distress Notification

The system can detect distress in the herd and notify you.

One of the biggest news in 2017 was that our system can detect distress in the herd. After running advanced analytics on our tracking data, we have arrived at a system to be able to detect abnormal behavior in the herd. The system calculates what is average movement and can on that basis detect what is turbulence.

The disturbance alert is automatically generated when a device submits its position. It is also possible to bring out unrest after a season by watching day by day throughout the grazing season. This is a super important tool for users who release animals in the open, as this gives an indication that something is scaring the animals. The disturbance warning gives the farmer a signal that he / she should initiate extraordinary supervision in the area where the disturbance has been triggered. Causes of unrest can be predators, dogs, humans or the like. From experience, we see that areas with a lot of unrest result in lower autumn weights and a larger percentage loss of lambs.

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